Monday, September 15, 2014

Mississippi Mud Cake

Mississippi Mud Cake is such a good recipe. When I think of this cake, I think of my cousin Courtney. We grew up together. She's always been my best friend. We have made countless Mississippi Mud Cakes. Not only is it delicious, it has chocolate, and it reminds me of my happy childhood with my best friend/cousin. It reminds me of running around the yard, sleep overs, painting nails, playing the computer together, singing on the top of our lungs, being crazy together, and just being ourselves.
This is a picture of me sitting next to Courtney, and across the table is my cousin Shelby. Funny thing is, I just made Mississippi Mud Cake with her not too long ago. 

They say food brings family together. Well, it does (as you can see in my picture and my explanation of why I added this recipe). I hope that each of you have a recipe that reminds you of a loved one or best friend. If so, feel free to comment on this post and share how food has brought you closer to those around you! Make memories, cook and eat with those around you. 

Mississippi Mud Cake

2 sticks butter $1.50
1/4 cup cocoa  $.24
1 cup water
2 cups flour  $.16
2 cups sugar  $.72
2 eggs $.24
1/2 cup milk  $.10
1 tsp. vanilla  $.08
1 tsp. baking soda  

1 bag mini marshmallows  $.99

1 stick butter  $.75
1/4 cup cocoa  $.24
1/2 cup milk  $.10
1 lb. powder sugar  $.70

Cake: Bring butter, cocoa, and water to boil. Add liquid mixture to dry ingredients and mix well. Bake at 375° on large cookie sheet with sides for 20 minutes or in a 9x13 pan for 25 minutes. The last 5 minutes, pour marshmallows over cake.
Icing: Beat icing ingredients well (until it's thin enough to pour) and ice cake while hot.

Total Estimated Cost: $5.82
Servings: 24
Cost Per Serving: $.24

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